Clinton: MPW63

Clinton_Cover_FRONTThe Missouri Photo Workshop selects a small town in Missouri each year to document. A group of photographers and documentarians spend several weeks in the selected town, and the photo and multimedia stories produced paint a picture of everyday Missouri life.

After the workshop, a book is produced to showcase all the photo essays. This is usually someone’s master project. In 2012, myself and photographers Allison Pasek and Timmy Huynh worked together to determine the best images for each piece and edit and write captions and introductions for each photo essay. I also visited Clinton, Mo., long after the workshop was over to get my own sense of the town and to write a more historical introduction.

The entire book is too large to upload, but you can read the introduction and look at a sample photo essay here. You may also browse other photo essays or purchase the MPW63 book on Clinton here.